Saturday, October 02, 2010

Hi Sheri!

This pretty much sums up my feelings towards the internet lately.


If for some unholy reason I had to get a Hello Kitty tattoo, this would be it.

More Hello Kitty...

Hello Kitty with fingernails!

Rocket Jones has become a mere shadow of its former self. At this point, I keep it on life support only to annoy those corporate assclowns who stole my name several years ago (and no link for them).


sheri said...

Hey! A whole post aimed at me. I'm pretty friggin' important NOW, aren't I? Heh. Mmm yeah.

sheri said...

And I loved all the pics. Forgot to say that. That one at the top is priceless.

Buckethead said...

I guess I'm just an ass, or I wasn't paying attention, but I did notice the change in name of your blog, but never caught the story on why. What corporate assclowns? Or rather, which corporate assclowns?

Ted said...

Four or five years ago, a tech company pushing web services launched under the name of "Rocket Jones". They had a cute little rocket logo and were running around the web, snagging all the Rocket Jones email addresses and other related accounts they could get their hands on. For a long time, they bragged about how good their search optimization services were, while googling "Rocket Jones" brought up my website first every time. Made me laugh. I left because of spam issues, and now, like a bad marraige, I only hang around because of the kids. That's y'all, by the way.

sheri said...

As one of the 'kids', I still mist up over memories of Nog Watch. Nog Watch changed my life.

CGHill said...

Claiming superiority for one's SEO techniques is the modern-day equivalent of "My witch doctor is better than yours."

LeeAnn said...

I think I need a new tat. One of those Hello Kittys will do nicely.
Oh yes, I must.

Mad William Flint said...

You need this: