Sunday, October 31, 2010


If someone complains about the (very) little artistic nudity in the following, tell them to go look at the national debt numbers to see something really scary.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Visual Response to LeeAnn

To her frightening laundromat story. File under either "It could be worse" or "Dark Fantasy".

Yeah, There's an App for That

"App" meaning "appliance", 'natch.

Well, *un*-naturally may be more correct. For all the delicate flowers who are reading this, please stop now. I don't need any more complaints about how Rocket Jones corrupted your mind. You should be thanking me.

Follow this link to see eleven dildos (dildoes? How does one pluralize that? If any of you ladies know, please email me privately, I want to hear all about it.) Um, back on point... yeah, eleven artificial appendages from critters you may fantasize about, ranging from the mundane - as if that word even applies - to the mythical. Wolf? Check. Dolphin? Gotcha covered. Dragon? Twice (huh? A dragon tongue is the other one.)

All that, plus more, are available from Bad Dragon.

You're welcome.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Dance Time

On the rare occasions where I talk about baseball here on Rocket Jones, it's almost always about the Potomac Nationals, our local minor league team (and this year's Carolina League champs, yay!)

But right now, I'm grinning like an idiot and I admit I squealed like a little girl when the San Francisco Giants won their game tonight to take the NL pennant.

World Series: Texas Rangers vs. San Fransisco Giants. Woot!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

No Point to This, But I Make Up for it By Randomly Capitalizing the Title

So two days ago we got big rain, which moved on through and then turned into the Nor'easter which is currently kicking ass up New England way.

Today is windy as hell, from being on the tail end side of the Nor'easter. Beautiful and sunny, but windy.

Today was also "bulk pickup day", which happens in the Spring and Fall. Pretty much anything you can drag to the curb gets picked up and hauled off, saving trips to the dump. I took the opportunity to get rid of a lot of crap in the backyard and basement, including unbelievable numbers of flower pots that had accumulated over the years.

My yard looks much better and uncluttered.

Since I was doing the cleanup this morning, I couldn't go hiking. I'll go tomorrow.

Just for fun I took my backpack out back with me. After hauling the last of the rubbish to the curb, I set up my hiker kitchen and started a pot of water to boil. While that was heating up I finished raking the leaves.

When it was ready I made oatmeal and a big cup of tea, and enjoyed them out in my newly clean backyard. Very relaxing, and I've pretty much done everything I *need* to do today, before noon.

Sure is windy.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Lunatic is On the Grass

Friday, October 08, 2010

Not Even Remotely Related to Each Other, but I Do Mention Breakfast, So I Guess It Ties Into What I Said in the Last Post

Factoid heard on the radio this morning: This year, October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. That won't happen again for 863 years.

I've discovered Nutella. Nice change from peanut butter once in a while. I ate some on a piece of whole grain bread for breakfast.

I know, right?

Monday, October 04, 2010

Laid Low By Grevious Designs

I'm recovering from a nasty case of food poisoning. Self-administered. Two things kept this completely localized to just myself - first, I was alone in the house this weekend, and second, even if I weren't, nobody else here likes French Onion Soup.

Oh yes, the homemade soup is definitely the culprit. More specifically, the beef base I used to make the stock. I have been thoroughly mocked and ridiculed for my stupidity, which in Obama-speak, was mock-worthy and ridicule-ready.

Still, it was a magnificently tasty batch of soup. I hated to throw the rest of it out when I realized what I had done to myself. A few ideas did cross my mind, but I don't know if anyone on my "short list" likes onion soup. I shall make enquiries. For future reference.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Hi Sheri!

This pretty much sums up my feelings towards the internet lately.


If for some unholy reason I had to get a Hello Kitty tattoo, this would be it.

More Hello Kitty...

Hello Kitty with fingernails!

Rocket Jones has become a mere shadow of its former self. At this point, I keep it on life support only to annoy those corporate assclowns who stole my name several years ago (and no link for them).